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  • Building Automation Controls | Mechanical Contractors LLC. | North Carolina

    CONTROLS Nuestro grupo de integración de sistemas proporciona soluciones de control rentables y de alto rendimiento para el ciclo de vida de un edificio. Servimos a nuestros clientes, nuestra comunidad y nuestra Tierra al proporcionar la base para edificios confiables, cómodos y eficientes. ​ A través de un enfoque holístico y orientado al equipo, proporcionamos una única fuente de responsabilidad para los proyectos y servicios de control de calidad. Ya sea que se trate de un nuevo proyecto de construcción o de la remodelación de un edificio existente, proporcionamos sistemas que son flexibles, potentes y fáciles de usar. Con un enfoque integrado de los sistemas, controles y operaciones del edificio, logramos mejores resultados. Nos asociamos con nuestros clientes para garantizar el desempeño continuo de sus inversiones y entendemos que el control de su edificio significa ocupantes más felices, mejor retención y menores costos operativos. ​ Nuestro compromiso con la capacitación constante, la investigación y "predicar con el ejemplo" en nuestras propias instalaciones nos permite mantener nuestra experiencia para mantenerlo a la vanguardia. Esperamos ganarnos su confianza como socio a largo plazo que brinda soluciones y servicios integrados que se adaptan a sus necesidades en constante cambio. ​ Características: Servicios de diseño de sistemas Servicios de instalación de sistemas Optimización de sistemas Mantenimiento y reparación de sistemas Soluciones de conservación de energía Agregación de datos multisitio Medición y submedición Puesta en servicio y nueva puesta en servicio Cuadros de mando personalizados Gráficos personalizados Sistemas de gestión de instalaciones de computación en la nube Looking for cellular-based controls for lighting, HVAC, and equipment monitoring? Our affiliates at Gamut Systems & Solutions can help you save energy during off-hours.

  • ESOP New Hires 7.24 | mcihvac

    BACK TO MAIN Meet Our Newest Team Members In the second quarter of 2024 we are excited to welcome 11 new people to our teams!! Welcome Dan Bailey Business Development - Charlotte Welcome George Mizelle Controls Technician - Raleigh Welcome Brandon Burnette Sheet Metal Helper - Charlotte Welcome Back Mike Macdonald Accounting - Charlotte Welcome Joseph Faile Sheet Metal Foreman - Charlotte Welcome Josh George Controls Manager - Charlotte Welcome Hunter Morris Service Apprentice - Charlotte Welcome James Caruso Design Intern - Charlotte Welcome Back Blake Carter Engineering Intern - Charlotte Welcome Erik Henriquez Sheet Metal Helper - Charlotte Mele Renteria Sheet Metal Helper - Charlotte Announcements Congratulations Kayly Pastrana-Vega & Dalton Oehler! We are thrilled to announce the recipients of the 2024 PACTS ESOP Scholarship! Please join us in congratulating Kayly Pastrana Vega and Dalton Oehler on this remarkable achievement. ​ Kayly and Dalton have demonstrated outstanding academic performance, dedication to their studies, and a strong commitment to advancing their education in specialized crafts and trades. We are proud to support their educational journeys and look forward to seeing all that they will accomplish in the future. ​ This scholarship is an exclusive opportunity available only to MCI and GamutSS employees' families, recognizing the hard work and dedication of our team members and their loved ones. Kayly is the daugher of Raleigh team members Ana Vega (Engineering) and Miguel Pastrana (Large Construction) and Dalton is the son of Charlotte team member Rudy Oehler (Sales Estimating). ​ Please join us in celebrating Kayly and Dalton’s success and wishing them the best in their future endeavors! We are proud to announce that we've achieved the "Great Place to Work" certification, a testament to the positive workplace environment we've cultivated together. This prestigious recognition is based on direct feedback from you—our employees—which underscores the satisfaction and engagement you experience in your roles. This certification not only enhances our reputation, making us a magnet for top talent, but also boosts employee morale and retention. It affirms our commitment to creating a workplace that supports growth, values contributions, and promotes transparency and open communication. Thank you for helping us reach this milestone. Your feedback has been instrumental in shaping our policies and our culture. Here's to continuing our journey as an outstanding place to work, committed to improving and celebrating every success along the way! Spotlight Achievement: Great Place to Work Certified for 2024-2025! Work Anniversaries April: Lee Jeffery - 20 years Greg Brown - 14 years Roberto Velez - 12 years Steven Rothenburger - 6 years - NEWLY VESTED OWNER! Rosso Burton - 1 year Lexie Lewis - 1 year Natalie Helms - 1 year May: Chris Poplin - 37 years Bobby Gudger - 37 years Jimmy Causby - 31 years Agustin Garcia - 26 years Jose Garcia - 26 years Chris Morgan - 21 years Sam Burgess - 20 years Chad Queen - 18 years Ruben Hernandez - 17 years Rodolfo Garcia - 17 years Tom O'Malley - 9 years Todd Clark - 7 years Will Taylor - 3 years Roberto Ortiz Jr - 2 years June: Brian McBride - 32 years Doug Moss - 22 years Rutilio Sanchez - 20 years Francisco Garcia - 17 years Lacey Knapp - 15 years Johnny Payne - 14 years Keith Stanis - 11 years Uriah Barnes - 9 years Daniel Smith - 9 years John Schoenberger - 8 years David Cooke - 2 years Sylvester McCorbin - 2 years Kaitlyn Schoolman - 1 year Zach McCaskill - 1 year David Inez Perez - 1 year Matt Mercado - 1 year July: Billy Evans - 29 years Jerry Norris - 29 years Brian Devine - 28 years Dani Cortes - 20 years Preston Burton - 14 years Tim Meadows - 10 years Jeremiah Stowell - 7 years Michelle Alonzo - 2 years Jarvis Young - 2 years David Schneider - 1 year

  • Work/Life 12.23 | mcihvac

    Acerca de BACK TO MAIN Work, Meet Life. The most important part of who we are is outside of working hours. Let's recognize that too. Though you might spend a large portion of your time on the clock for your work team, you lead a whole life out there that doesn't include MCI or Gamut. So let's celebrate the good news, exciting updates, welcome new babies, see your pets, watch your kid make that soccer goal, and even share in the tough stuff that could use a little support. We could all use a moment to smile, celebrate, and just be human. Here's the space to do it! Let's go Gamut Marathoner, Katrina Ramey! Congratulations are in order for Katrina Ramey, who has impressively completed the Chicago Marathon! Her dedication and hard work paid off with an outstanding finish time of 04:15:19. This achievement is not only a testament to her physical endurance but also her unwavering determination and commitment to excellence. Katrina's accomplishment is an inspiration to us all, showcasing the remarkable results of perseverance and discipline. We are incredibly proud of her and look forward to celebrating more of her achievements in the future. Well done, Katrina! 🎉🏃‍♀️ Congrats, Bobby! Congratulations to Bobby Gudger for securing first place in the kayak category at the Crafting for Kids Canoe, Kayak, SUP race held on October 7, 2023. Bobby's dedication to his own health and fitness journey not only brought him this well-deserved accolade but also shone a spotlight on two remarkable charities. ​ The Masonic Home for Children at Oxford: This year marks the 150th anniversary of the Masonic Home for Children in Oxford, NC. A beacon of hope and support, the home has sheltered over 11,000 children throughout its history. Currently, it serves as a nurturing abode for approximately 80 children. Beyond providing a roof over their heads, the organization has extended its support to over 27,000 children this year alone, offering various forms of aid and care. Gold Star Family/Mothers Recognition: October holds special significance as it's Gold Star Family/Mothers month, a decade-long tradition honoring the resilience of families who have lost a parent in military or law enforcement service. This program plays a crucial role in supporting teens during some of their most challenging times, acknowledging the sacrifices made by their loved ones in service to our country. Kitty looking for a home! The Rukse family is at it again, extending a helping hand, one cat at a time! We'd like to introduce you to Jule, a charming young ginger kitty who appeared in late October. He wasn't microchipped and, unfortunately, no one seems to be searching for him. He may have been lost or left behind, but we've made sure to provide him with food and shelter in the meantime. Jule has shown interest in becoming an indoor cat, but our household has reached its limit for permanent furry residents. However, we're collaborating with a local rescue to offer him temporary indoor fostering until a forever home is found. For anyone interested in adopting this delightful and handsome guy, please reach out to us ( ). He was recently taken to the vet, where he was neutered and had his vaccinations updated. He tested negative for common feline diseases and is currently being socialized with other cats. We haven't observed his interactions with children, so a home without young kids would probably be preferable for him.

  • Management | Mechanical Contractors LLC. | North Carolina

    ADMINISTRACIÓN La construcción mecánica de sistemas HVAC implica una amplia coordinación de la entrega de equipos, el comercio, los subcontratistas y el contratista general. La gestión de proyectos es un componente esencial para una construcción mecánica exitosa. Nuestro completo conocimiento del alcance del trabajo nos permite producir un cronograma compatible con su fecha de finalización. Nos especializamos en proyectos grandes y pequeños por igual. Contamos con los vastos recursos necesarios para mantener altos estándares, mientras mantenemos el presupuesto del proyecto. ​ El equipo de gestión de proyectos de MCI es responsable de garantizar que el trabajo de calidad se entregue a tiempo y dentro del presupuesto. Trabajamos en estrecha colaboración con nuestros subcontratistas para resolver cualquier problema antes de que pueda afectar el proyecto. El manejo e informe oportunos y precisos de los cambios en los dibujos y el alcance del trabajo también es necesario para un proyecto exitoso. ​ La calidad de nuestros equipos de campo es insuperable. Un proceso de diseño / construcción completamente integrado agrega valor a sus proyectos. De principio a fin, ofrecemos soluciones de calidad. Los resultados son proyectos mejor gestionados, una reducción de gastos innecesarios, cronogramas más cortos y una mejora notable en el desempeño de la calidad y la seguridad. LA SEGURIDAD Mechanical Contractors, Inc. cree que la seguridad es la clave y que todas las lesiones se pueden prevenir. Estamos muy preocupados por las pérdidas que pueden resultar de los accidentes laborales, tanto para el individuo como para la empresa. Por tanto, la prevención de accidentes es un objetivo importante de la empresa, que requiere la cooperación activa y sincera de todos los empleados. ​ Los gerentes de proyectos, los superintendentes y el personal de campo de MCI reconocen la importancia de mantener un lugar de trabajo limpio y seguro. La prevención total de accidentes solo se puede lograr mediante los esfuerzos coordinados de todos los empleados. Es nuestra política que ningún trabajo o servicio realizado por un empleado es tan importante o urgente que no pueda realizarse de la manera más segura. ​ Características: Planificación de proyectos | Programación | Logística Análisis de riesgo del proyecto Informes de proyectos | Documentación Entrenamiento de rendimiento continuo Amplia coordinación de subcontratistas Garantía de calidad | Control de calidad (QaQc) Entrenamiento de seguridad | Capacitación OSHA de 10/30 horas

  • Work/Life 3.24 | mcihvac

    Acerca de BACK TO MAIN Work, Meet Life. The most important part of who we are is outside of working hours. Let's recognize that too. Celebrating New Beginnings in Our Gamut Family! We have some heartwarming news to share in our latest family update! ​ First off, Joey Aldrich, a dedicated member of our Gamut customer support team, welcomed his baby girl, Aurora, into the world on February 1, 2024. We're all smiles over the adorable picture below featuring Aurora and her big sister. (Left) ​ In another happy announcement, Lisa Simmons, also from our customer support team, embraced a new title as a grandmother on the rare and special day of February 29, 2024. Her granddaughter, Amelia, has made this Leap Year extra memorable. Check out this heartwarming picture of Lisa with her little "Leap Ling." (Right) ​ Please join us in congratulating both Joey and Lisa on these wonderful family milestones! Lacey Knapp and Finley Lacey Knapp and Finley 1/6 This Month's Paw-some News from the Editor's Desk! In a desperate bid to fill the page (and, let's be honest, to show off), I've commandeered this space to introduce the latest, furriest member of the Knapp household - meet Finley! Our "Gotcha Day" celebration was on February 7th, marking the day this adorable mix of Coonhound, Boxer, and Pitbull made our home her forever home. At 9 months old, Finley is a blend of hound intelligence, Boxer enthusiasm, and Pitbull love, making every day an adventure filled with energy, smarts, and cuddles. ​ Finley's journey to us was made possible by the amazing folks at Saving Grace Animal Rescue in Wake Forest, NC. If you're in the vicinity and thinking of expanding your family with a four-legged friend, I couldn't recommend them more highly. The Shih-Poo Coup: How Sammy Stole the Show (and Dane's Heart) at MCI In a daring attempt to one-up the editorial desk's recent puppy news, the Osburn clan has made a bold move by introducing their own bundle of joy (and inevitable chaos). Enter Sammy, the pint-sized Shih Tzu-Poodle mix, or as those in the know call him, a "Shih-Poo." This little furball, pictured on the right alongside his sister, recently graced the Raleigh office with his presence, and let's just say, he was quite the hit—especially with PM Stephen Sellers, who might just have found a new best friend. (I sense a new series... Puppies and Project Managers? Who's in??) ​ At just 8 weeks old, Sammy has already shown signs of becoming the office's most adorable troublemaker. While Dane Osburn might put on the façade of a man coerced into dog-dad duties, it's clear for all to see that Sammy has firmly wrapped his tiny paws around Dane's heart. ​ So, as the newsletter becomes an unofficial pet showcase, let's give a warm welcome to Sammy. Dane, you can pretend all you want, but we're onto you—you've totally fallen for the puppy eyes. Here's to Sammy's future adventures and the inevitable "who's rescued who" story unfolding at the Osburn residence!

  • MCI Work In Progress & Upcoming Spring24 | mcihvac

    Jump To: Charlotte Construction Raleigh Construction Service Controls Fabrication MCI Work In Progress & Upcoming BACK TO MAIN Charlotte Construction OMRON - Jonathan Werner & Teams We got some props from the superintended at Burns & McDonnell that deserve a share! ​ “Jonathan, just so that you are aware. Out of all trades on this site, you are the all-star of the site when it comes to safety paperwork and safety in general. I appreciate all of your insight and awareness when things aren’t right onsite and I am not there to see it at the moment. Your insight has helped tremendously on this project, while we have dealing with unique work practices that I don’t hope to have to repeat in the future. Progress on a site is one thing and I am not speaking lightly at all about your production, but safety, personally, is the most important thing to pay attention to on a site. Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do.” ​ Great job to all who are on sight, looking out for each other. It's looking great! Omron - SM and Piping Crew Photo Omron - 2 Omron - 5 Omron - SM and Piping Crew Photo 1/9 Olde Mecklenburg Brewery- Efren & Crew Knocking it Out! The new OMB Taproom in Ballantyne is going to be a great addition to South Charlotte! There will be almost 14,000 square feet of indoor space, along with a 7,000-square-foot outdoor patio area with views of the Ballantyne development's main street. There will also be a second floor with bar seating, as well as a mezzanine balcony. For kids, there will be a family zone and playground as a part of their one-acre biergarten. OMB 6 OMB 1 OMB 2 OMB 6 1/6 Springs Creative - Jermaine, Karl & Team Making It Look Great! Springs Creative is a textiles company making their new home at The Thread in Rock Hill, SC. Springs Creative 4 Springs Creative 2 Springs Creative 6 Springs Creative 4 1/8 Raleigh Construction sPark Axis & Fitness Center - Miguel, Abner, & Teams Strategically positioned on the threshold of the expansive 102-acre campus in Morrisville NC, sPARK Axis Center unfolds as a welcoming ‘pavilion for the community’. Artfully combining architecture with nature, sPARK Axis embodies unity, embracing the harmonious balance of indoor and outdoor living. Through thoughtful design and engaging programming, the facility serves as a central gathering place, offering a dynamic and inviting hub for both the campus and the broader community. Source: Axis Fitness Center FC Axis 1/7 MTX One - Rolando, Abner, & Teams Getting Close! MTX One is hitting the skyline and it's just the start! This cool, mixed-use tower is the first of a pair that's going to change the look of Raleigh. With 12 stories packed full of top-notch office spaces (we're talking 330,000 square feet), shops, and spots for meetings and conferences, it's got everything. It's a place where work meets play, all under one roof. Once it is completed, DeWitt Carolinas will start the process of building it's twin, and get connected by a fancy sky bridge, MTX One IMG_3534 IMG_3536 MTX One 1/5 Engineering Niagara Bottling Plants - USA The MCI Engineering team is designing the mechanical and plumbing systems infrastructure for Niagara Bottling to be able to bottle water at 20 facilites all over the nation. Check out this awesome picture of Mark with our Engineering team on a site visit in Bakersfield CA, with the beautiful California mountains in the background. Niagara Bakersfield CA Niagara Bakersfield CA 1/1 Service No updates at this time. Controls No updates at this time. Fabrication Department No updates at this time. Raleigh Construction Service Controls Fabrication Charlotte Construction

  • Mid Year Update 2024 | mcihvac

    BACK TO MAIN Mid Year Letter from Champ Greetings, Team! Man, it’s summer! ​ Let's start with a huge congratulations on reaching 1 million hours without a lost-time work injury. This is a first in our 75-year history, and it's all thanks to your dedication to safety. This incredible milestone also brought us a $30,000 savings on our Workers' Compensation renewal, which benefits everyone! ​ On a serious note, our streak did end with a recent incident where one of our own fell off a ladder and was seriously injured. Thankfully, they are at home recovering and are expected to return to work soon. Let's continue to prioritize safety and look out for each other. ​ Business is Booming! All parts of our business are doing well, and the outlook for 2024 and 2025 is very strong. Our engineering team is showcasing their expertise across the country, with impressive BIM modeling and intelligent design. In Charlotte and Raleigh, our Construction, Service, and Controls teams are maintaining a strong backlog and are already eyeing opportunities for 2025! ​ Our ESOP is Growing Our Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) is thriving, and I'm confident you'll be pleased with last year's results. While we can't guarantee these results every year, your hard work and commitment to safety make a huge difference. Being 100% employee-owned is the best path for our long-term growth and your future retirement benefits. Keep an eye on your mail for your ESOP statement! ​ Exciting News about 401k Matching in 2025! We've introduced "Safe Harbor," our new 401k matching program, designed to help you save more for retirement. Here’s how it works: For Safe Harbor: Employee Contribution (0.01% - 5%): MCI will match 100% up to 3% of your contribution. MCI will match 50% on the next 2% of your contribution. Employee Contribution (5% or Greater): MCI will match 4% of your gross compensation. ​ The total company match can't exceed 4% of your gross compensation. This is a fantastic opportunity to boost your retirement savings! ​ As we move forward, let's stay focused on our tasks, prioritize safety, and continue supporting each other. ​ Let's get back to work and keep up the great momentum! ​ Best, Champ ​ ​ ​ Bill Champion in his "Uncle Sam" getup is always great for July!

  • ESOP Education | mcihvac

    ESOP Education Series BACK TO MAIN Who Does What in an ESOP Company? ESOP companies have more moving parts than other companies. Like all companies, they need a board of directors and managers , but they also need a plan trustee to make sure the plan is operated for the interests of plan participants to act as the shareholder of record, and a plan administrator to make sure the plan runs properly. Some companies also have ESOP Communications committees (that's us!) ​ What are the Rules for ESOP Distributions? According to the National Center of Employee Ownership , an employee can receive distributions from the ESOP after employment terminates. Distributions are normally paid out as either a lump sum or annual distributions that span up to five years. Distributions resulting from reaching the plan retirement age, death or disability will start the next year. Distributions resulting from employment termination must begin within six years following job termination. Vesting determines how much the employee is eligible to receive. For example, if a fully vested employee reaches 65 and retires in 2022, their distributions will begin in 2023 and must be fully paid no later than 2028. What are the Rules for ESOP Distributions? According to the National Center of Employee Ownership , an employee can receive distributions from the ESOP after employment terminates. Distributions are normally paid out as either a lump sum or annual distributions that span up to five years. Distributions resulting from reaching the plan retirement age, death or disability will start the next year. Distributions resulting from employment termination must begin within six years following job termination. Vesting determines how much the employee is eligible to receive. For example, if a fully vested employee reaches 65 and retires in 2022, their distributions will begin in 2023 and must be fully paid no later than 2028. What are the Rules for ESOP Distributions? According to the National Center of Employee Ownership , an employee can receive distributions from the ESOP after employment terminates. Distributions are normally paid out as either a lump sum or annual distributions that span up to five years. Distributions resulting from reaching the plan retirement age, death or disability will start the next year. Distributions resulting from employment termination must begin within six years following job termination. Vesting determines how much the employee is eligible to receive. For example, if a fully vested employee reaches 65 and retires in 2022, their distributions will begin in 2023 and must be fully paid no later than 2028. What are the Rules for ESOP Distributions? According to the National Center of Employee Ownership , an employee can receive distributions from the ESOP after employment terminates. Distributions are normally paid out as either a lump sum or annual distributions that span up to five years. Distributions resulting from reaching the plan retirement age, death or disability will start the next year. Distributions resulting from employment termination must begin within six years following job termination. Vesting determines how much the employee is eligible to receive. For example, if a fully vested employee reaches 65 and retires in 2022, their distributions will begin in 2023 and must be fully paid no later than 2028. What are the Rules for ESOP Distributions? According to the National Center of Employee Ownership , an employee can receive distributions from the ESOP after employment terminates. Distributions are normally paid out as either a lump sum or annual distributions that span up to five years. Distributions resulting from reaching the plan retirement age, death or disability will start the next year. Distributions resulting from employment termination must begin within six years following job termination. Vesting determines how much the employee is eligible to receive. For example, if a fully vested employee reaches 65 and retires in 2022, their distributions will begin in 2023 and must be fully paid no later than 2028. BACK TO MAIN

  • ESOP Education 12.23 | mcihvac

    ESOP Education Series BACK TO MAIN The History of ESOPs Employee ownership is not a new idea. The earliest reference to employee ownership in the U.S. came from William Meredith, Zachary Taylor’s secretary of the treasury. In 1849, he noted that workers were owners in many enterprises, and thought the idea would be a great way to create a common interest between labor and capital. In the late 1800s, the Knights of Labor, one of the United States’ first unions, created several worker-owned businesses. In the 1920s, leading industrialists called for a “new capitalism” based on employee ownership. Employees were encouraged to buy shares in their own companies, and more than one million did. Unfortunately, none of these efforts endured, and the idea faded away until the 1950s. ​ It was then that a San Francisco-based investment banker and lawyer, Louis Kelso (pictured above) , created the modern ESOP. In The Capitalist Manifesto, a best-selling book written with the philosopher Mortimer Adler (a household name at the time), Kelso and Adler argued that capital investment in new machinery and technology would drive workers into lower-paying jobs, or even out of work completely. Historically, when investments in machinery and technology went up, workers became more productive and were paid more. But Kelso and Adler believed the pace of change in the next generation would be so fast that it would replace a lot of well-paying jobs permanently. People who owned capital would do very well indeed; people who worked for them would struggle to stay in place. So the solution, they argued, had to be for more employees to be owners. ​ Kelso’s predictions have proven true. Real wages (wages adjusted for inflation) since the 1970s, when ESOPs became law, have hardly budged, but an investment in the stock market has grown by about 500% in real dollars. So the problem, Kelso and Adler said, was that not enough people owned capital. They couldn’t afford to just go out and buy it, so there needed to be a way for them to become owners because of the work they do. But how? ESOPs to the Rescue Kelso envisioned a solution. He proposed laws that would give everyone a chance to own capital that could produce income. He called this plan an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP). ​ Rich people and wealthy companies are able to acquire companies by borrowing money. Already having money, these groups could persuade lenders that they would make enough money from the profits of the company they bought to pay off the loan. ​ How, then, could normal employees buy ownership in their own company? With wages stagnant and consumption costs rising, setting aside money to buy stock was not practical for all but a few. If they approached a bank as a group and asked for a loan to buy all or part of the company, bankers would politely laugh. Kelso’s solution was to have the company borrow money on behalf of the employees. The company, not the employees, would take the risk if the loan could not be repaid. The ownership of the capital acquired by the loan would be contributed to employees in the form of company stock. In return, companies could get a tax deduction for buying the shares for employees, paying for part of the cost. The remaining cost, the argument went, could be made up by workers being more productive because they were now owners. ​ Kelso spent almost two decades trying to persuade companies to use this idea, arguing that ESOPs would help improve productivity while simultaneously offering tax benefits. A few adopted Kelso’s idea, but most companies remained concerned that courts would find ESOPs improper and void the tax benefits that Kelso was proclaiming. Kelso needed a law. Russell and Huey Long It turned out that there was just a man to do this. Back in the 1920s, a populist politician from Louisiana named Huey Long was making quite a reputation for himself as state governor, U.S. senator, and presidential candidate. He argued strongly for redistribution of wealth from the rich to everyone else. His career was cut short when he was assassinated by the son-in-law of a judge Long had maneuvered out of office. His son, Russell Long, became a U.S. senator during the 1940s. By the 1960s, he had become the chair of the Senate Finance Committee, the group that writes the nation’s tax laws. That made him one of the most powerful senators. ​ Russell Long and Kelso met in 1974. Long was interested in Kelso’s plan, claiming that Kelso’s ESOP idea was “Huey Long without the Robin Hood”—in other words, ESOPs would make the distribution of wealth fairer without “robbing from the rich.” ESOPs, they believed, were a way to use the capitalist system itself to create a more equitable distribution of wealth within the economy. Instead of allowing rich people to get richer and then taxing them at higher rates (which, Long believed, discouraged investment and could in turn hurt the economy), ESOP legislation aimed to change the way future wealth became owned. Long, inspired by this idea, began a crusade to provide ESOPs with tax incentives and shepherded 17 pieces of legislation through Congress in 12 years. More bills were added after that, the latest having passed in mid-2018. ​ As a result, the government now provides substantial tax incentives to encourage companies to use ESOPs. In most cases, companies borrow money with an ESOP loan and use the money to buy stock from an owner. Instead of borrowing, the ESOP can also buy stock with periodic cash contributions from the company, or the company can just contribute stock to the ESOP. ​ ESOPs are one of the rare ideas to restructure the economy that have support from the right, left, and center, from Ronald Reagan to Ted Kennedy; from the current Republican Party platform to Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton. As one poll found, it is as popular as apple pie. Has It Worked? ​ More than 14 million employees are currently owners through ESOPs and similar plans. Research shows that employee-owned companies that promote employee involvement outperform their competitors by a substantial margin and that employees in these plans do substantially better in terms of retirement and other conditions of work. The idea has started to spread to other countries, in large part because of how successful it has been here in the U.S. The idea has a long, long way to go—the vast majority of employees are still not in these plans—but it has come a very long way. BACK TO MAIN

  • Contact | Mechanical Contractors, LLC. | United States

    CONTÁCTENOS Envíe todos los pagos y facturas a: PO Box 562357 Charlotte NC 28256 Charlotte, NC Tel: 704-372-2460 Fax: 704-334-7960 1733 University Commercial Place Charlotte, NC 28213 Raleigh NC Tel: 919-790-2990 ​ 2609-121 Discovery Drive Raleigh, NC 27616 ¿PREGUNTAS? ¡Complete el siguiente formulario y pronto nos pondremos en contacto con usted! ¡Éxito! Mensaje recibido. Enviar

  • PACTS ESOP Scholarship | mcihvac

    BACK TO MAIN The PACTS ESOP Scholarship Program Exclusively available to MCI & Gamut Employees. ​ Part of ownership is strategically planning a future for yourself and for your business. With the PACTS ESOP Scholarship, we hope to empower the next generation to see the lucrative opportunities available to them in the Trade & Technologies industries. One day, these bright young people could be future owners of PACTS Holdings companies. TRADES SCHOLARSHIP CRITERIA ELIGIBILITY Available to PACTS Holdings (MCI/GamutSS) employees’ families – children (step), grandchildren, direct nieces, and nephews. PACTS Holdings (MCI/GamutSS) employee must be an eligible participant in the ESOP (i.e., 1 year of service and 1000 hours). Applicant must be a high school senior, confirmed to graduate; or are currently enrolled in an accredited construction/technology-related training program, community college, technical school, university, or equivalent. Applicant must demonstrate a GPA of 2.5 or higher. Applicant must be obtaining training in a construction/technologies-related craft or trade. Minimum of 17 years of age, Maximum of 25 years of age REQUIREMENTS The applicant is responsible for ensuring that all items listed below are emailed to PACTS and must be received by May 30th. Please attach in the order shown: Completed and signed Application Form. Course description, including location. Extracurricular Activities listing (one-page limit). Employment History listing (one-page limit). Essay Questions (one-page limit). Download AWARDS Scholarships are not automatically renewed. Students will be considered for subsequent awards if they provide evidence of continued need, continued interest in construction, and continued enrollment and good standing in a construction-related field. Individuals are limited to receiving the scholarship award a maximum of (2) times. Applications will be reviewed, and winners selected by the PACTS Board of Directors in a double-blind review. They will consider the applicant’s interest in the industry, extracurricular activities, and employment experience. All applicants will be notified of their status no later than June 30th. Checks will be sent directly to the school no later than August preceding the school year. The ESOP scholarship sponsors five (5) annual scholarships, valued at $2,000.00 each . ​ All applications, with supporting material, must be sent to , and must be received by May 30th. Download Download Application Now!

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